Dear devotees and dear friends of Goloka Dhama,
Please accept our best wishes, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We hope that this new beginning of the year was filled with inspiration and happiness. Here in Goloka Dhama, we have been moving from one big festival to another. Indeed we will soon celebrate the appearance day of Lord Nityananda and the Vyasa Puja of H.H.Sacinandana Swami. The spirit of the devotees is shining because we are nicely connected to our purpose; to give everyone coming to Goloka Dhama an experience of Srila Prabhupada´s teaching in practice.
In this newsletter, we would like to share with you an article on Bhaktivinod Thakur´s vision, an inspiration on Lord Nityananda and a glorification of 3 beautiful devotees.
At the end of the 19th Century, a great devotee, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, wrote about Lord Caitanya´s prophecy that the chanting of His holy names will be propagated all over the world. Bhaktivinoda predicted that soon all the religious processes would mature into one essence – nama sankirtana. Such a religion would be free from fighting, irrational beliefs or prejudices. In it, the Supreme Lord´s form would be completely spiritual and endowed with all good qualities and the living entities would be recognized as particles of the Lord. The only duty of those living souls was to be the Lord's servants. They were to glorify and love Him. In such a state they would treat each other as brothers and sisters and all the animosity and the differences in the world would cease. Their uniting rope would be nama sankirtana. The people would drown in prema rasa (love for Krishna) while chanting, dancing and loudly calling “O Caitanya! O Nityananda!”
Bhaktivinoda Thakura had a dream that this chanting would soon spread throughout the world. He longed for the day when the people of England, France, Russia, Prussia and America would take up mridangas and karatalas and riding upon the waves of ecstasy chant “Jaya Sri Sacinandana ki jaya!” At that time the only dharma for the souls would be transcendental Vaishnava prema. He had no doubts that “in a few days” a completely pure society of Vaishnavas would emerge. Seven decades later, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was the bearer to broadcast the holy names all over the world. By his grace, today we - the ISKCON devotees, are living this dream of Srila Bhaktivinoda.
Standing just before the appearance of Lord Nityananda, I am reflecting on the power of his amazing mercy. My spiritual master once told me that the impossible can become possible by the Mercy of Lord Nityananda. We can also remember how Ragunath Dasa Goswami was finally able to attain that precious long-lasting association of Sri Caitanya after receiving the mercy of Lord Nityananda. The same also happened in the life of Krsna Dasa Kaviraja Goswami who left aside his material life and went to Vrindavana.
Lord Nityananda is so much immersed in love of God that he is ready to bless anyone coming toward him for shelter. He will not even look at our lack of qualifications. He is just ready to bless and empower the souls turning to him.
Nityananda is also the supreme manager, as Ananta Sesa, he manages the entire spiritual world and as Krsirodakasayi Visnu, he manages the entire material world. In other words, he is always in the sweet mood of service. He is so kind that he even manifests as the spiritual master to give us tailored training for the transformation of our identity – from the enjoyer and controller to a humble and happy servant.
Let us take this beautiful opportunity to glorify Lord Nityananda and humbly beg for his blessings.
At the end of January, 3 wonderful devotees who have been serving the community for a substantial amount of time are moving forward on their devotional journey. For that reason, we like to express our gratitude for their services.
Jaya Sacinandana Prabhu and Nitya Manjari have been a wonderful association for all the members of our community. The depth of their maturity in Krsna consciousness has been supporting everyone and the beauty of their smile, laughter and sense of humour often reminded me that I should not take myself too seriously. Their presence in the spiritual programs was very much appreciated. Jaya Sacinandana Prabhu was also giving inspiring lectures and wrote many small articles for our newsletter. Good news, he will keep writing! Nitya Manjari was supporting the pujari department very nicely and was always eager to share Krsna consciousness in a relevant way with our guests. We thank both of them very much for their service and pray that the continuation of their devotional journey will keep blooming and serving people around them.
We also have a sad heart for the departure of Vraja Kumar Prabhu who held the loving responsibility of temple commander for more than a year. Above his multiple services, Vraja Kumar also had the great responsibility of organising all the devotees who came from the Ukraine to Goloka Dhama in search of shelter.
Despite the high demands from all members of the community, Vraja Kumar always remained peaceful. I never saw him lose his temper or complain about anything. I can only remember his soft smile. He is for me a beautiful example of gentle devotee. We will miss him too. With a grateful heart we send our best wishes to those 3 devotees, may Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohan bless them profusely with ecstatic love.
We also like to express our gratitude to all of you for your continual support.
On behalf of the community,
Your servant,
Gaurahari dasa