Dear devotees and friends of Goloka Dhama, Hare Krsna
We are very happy to share with you the highlights of February in Goloka Dhama community.
Right after the Nityananda festival, we received a visit from Adi Purusha Prabhu who is surely an excellent teacher of Bhakti Sastri (scriptures). For 10 days, most of our temple members received 4 hours of daily training on Chapter 18 of the Bhagavad Gita and the Nectar of Devotion. It was certainly our founder acharya Srila Prabhupada’s great desire that his disciples and followers would study his books very carefully.
Adi Purusa Prabhu´s knowledge of the scriptures is amazingly deep and during his course, all devotees are able to keep asking questions as they came up. In this way, his lessons were very dynamic and very interesting. Additionally, he was using an overhead-projector so that we could read verses and quotations as he presented them. Finally, some written exams and essays helped us to assimilate the knowledge better. Moreover Adi Purusa´s style of presenting philosophy has a very powerful emphasis on practical applications. A great thank you for his precious and nourishing association.
One of the long-lasting inspirations I received was connected to pure devotional service. It has 6 characteristics and one of them is that pure devotional service brings all auspiciousness. Rupa Goswami then subdivided them into 4 subdivisions. One is that the performance of pure devotional service requires the development of all good qualities. Yet another one was that we would become kind to everyone. One could then ask: “Isn’t being kind to everyone already a good quality?” The answer is that Rupa Goswami mentioned, “being kind to others” separately because that good quality is the root of all other good qualities. Our homework was to carry out 5 acts of kindness each day.
On 16th March, we will have our annual Bhakta course (introductory teaching of Bhakti yoga) for 2 months. This opportunity is given to all sincere aspiring devotees and combines the beautiful mixture of studying the scriptures with devotional activities such as cooking, music and worship. Set aside two months of your life and start building a strong foundation for your eternal benefit!
We are happy to provide a systematic education for aspiring devotees on the path to pure devotional service. This training will allow devotees and friends of Krsna to learn all the secrets in the art of serving and loving the divine couple.
This course will lay down a solid spiritual foundation which will allow one to build one’s life up with the building blocks of spiritual vision and strength. To learn all the secrets of Krsna
Bhakti in direct association with experienced and mature devotees is a very rare opportunity. The world is filled with opportunities to learn, online courses, universities etc.… but receiving
spiritual training while living an ashram life is most transformative and exciting.
For more information, please look at our web
Registrations at:
By the great mercy and blessings of our deities Sri Sri Radha Madana Mohan, we have the pleasure to welcome two new devotees to our community. Mahatma Prabhu and Mahima Mayi. Actually, they are new in the community but very mature and experienced in the practice of devotional service. Both of them are from Croatia and are used to travelling a lot, and serving H.H.Candra Mauli Swami for many years. Both of them are amazing cooks and were used to distributing Prasada for many years. Mahatma is very skilled in organisation and communication and is tactfully taking over the service of temple commander. Mahima is cooking for the temple devotees almost every day and the quality of her cooking is just so delicious, and all cooked with such devotion that it raises the consciousness of the entire community. We are very grateful for their service and wish they will remain in Goloka Dhama for countless years.
With our gratitude for your support, on behalf of the entire community,
your servant, Gaurahari dasa